Fractora™ Skin Rejuvenation | Fractional Resurfacing
Revitalise your face, hands or neck with fractional resurfacing. This advanced fractional resurfacing treatment utilising bipolar radio-frequency technology helps to soften fine lines and wrinkles, and improve skin blotches and redness.
Fractional resurfacing facial, neck, and décolletage or chest rejuvenation may help improve fine or deep lines, texture, pigment irregularities, blood vessels and redness. Cell renewal is further enhanced by a series of three treatments to improve skin quality, texture and tone.
If you seek to turn back the clock on ageing or at least help it to tick a little slower, Fractional Rejuvenation Resurfacing is an effective procedure for a more youthful look and feel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Cosmetic Image Clinics is owned and operated by former AMA Qld President and TV Medical Journalist Dr Ingrid Tall who has over twenty years of experience in the cosmetic medicine industry. Our clinic is medically supervised and if experience, credibility and a ‘natural look’ is what you are looking for, then make Queensland’s largest cosmetic clinic, Cosmetic Image Clinics your preferred provider.
Fractora is the most advanced fractional radio-frequency treatment providing anti-ageing improvements on skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance through ablation and skin resurfacing.
Fractora delivers RF (radio-frequency) energy to the skin through an array of pins producing localised heat and small micro-lesion dots in the treatment area. The gentle heat generated by the Fractora pins in the sub-dermal tissue promotes some restructuring of tissue for skin rejuvenation and an improved appearance in the skin. Fractora pinsThe methodical scattering of micro-lesions allows the skin to heal faster than if the entire area was ablated.
Cosmetic Image Clinics offers ‘Fractora™’, by Invasix, which provides non-ablative to minimally ablative results up to 1mm in depth. Fractora is one of numerous fractional resurfacing machines and ‘resurfaces’ a ‘fraction’ of the skin- typically up to 6-10% of the skin’s surface in each treatment. It is similar to other fractional resurfacing technologies in this methodology, examples of which include ePrime, SmartXide DOT CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing and ProFractional™.
Fractora radio-frequency fractional resurfacing can be used in areas that demonstrate fine or deep wrinkles, scars or discoloured red and brown skin tone. The most common areas of treatment are the smile lines, cheeks, mouth, neck and décolletage or chest.
The benefits are many, but here are just a few:
Fractora delivers improvements in the broadest range of symptoms of ageing skin including fine lines, deep lines, texture, pigment irregularities, blood vessels and redness
Fractora offers improvements for ageing skin that would normally require two, three or even four different technologies
Ablation of the skin promotes skin resurfacing while untreated skin between the pins promotes faster healing of the treatment tissue
Versatility of parameters allows the user to vary the depth of ablation, coagulation and heating
Minimal downtime
Versatile parameters which can be tunable for light or more intensive fractional resurfacing
Addresses fine lines, deep lines, texture and pigment irregularities and redness
The action of fractional resurfacing removes tiny columns or ‘fractions’ within the upper layers of the skin promoting new skin cell growth. This new skin, having been protected in the deeper layers from the effects of the sun, will have a fresher and smoother appearance. In addition, after any form of skin resurfacing, new collagen fibres are laid down in the deeper layers during the healing phase.
Facial Wrinkles
Fractional resurfacing will generally improve superficial lines however not the deepest of wrinkles that reach deeper than the level of ‘Fractora’ Fractional Resurfacing Skin Rejuvenation. At the same time freckles, brown blotches, sunspots and rough, scaly skin will often improve, however a skin care cosmeceutical maintenance program is recommended to continue this improvement with respect to improvements in pigmentation. The resurfaced skin will be replaced by new skin with a smoother and fresher appearance. Even the skin under the eyes can be improved with ‘Fractora’.Acne Scarring
The pitted forms of acne scars respond best to fractional resurfacing whereas the shallow, gently sloping ‘valley’ scars respond less well. Most importantly, if you have been taking Roaccutane for acne it is important that you have been off it for at least 6 months prior to treatment. Typically six treatments are recommended to help improve acne scars or other causes of scarring on the face.Other Scars
Fractional resurfacing is an effective way of minimising other scars following injury or skin surgery. -
Three treatments of fractional resurfacing will rejuvenate your skin and give it a fresher, smoother and more uniform appearance. It may improve freckles, brown blotches, sunspots and scaly lesions.
Over the ensuing year you should see an improvement in fine lines and wrinkles (this often takes about six months after the last treatment to become noticeable), but it will not correct loose sagging skin. At Cosmetic Image Clinics we offer Ultherapy, which is the premier sonic based anti-ageing procedure to non-invasively lift the eyebrow, neck and under-chin if you are concerned about sagging skin. Talk to our clinical aesthetic team about other treatments that we offer for sagging skin. Alternatively, you can see one of our experienced Plastic Surgeons for face or neck lift surgery, if required.
It is important that you are aware of what fractional resurfacing can and cannot achieve, otherwise you may have unrealistically high expectations and be disappointed with the result.
Acne scarring will also respond to fractional resurfacing but the degree of improvement will basically depend on the shape and depth of the acne scars and the number of treatments you have. Six treatments are recommended for the treatment of acne scarring. The doctor will be able to give you a realistic estimation of the likely degree of improvement at your initial consultation.
You will be given fractional resurfacing post-treatment instructions at the time of your treatment and you should follow these exactly as outlined.
After fractional resurfacing you should avoid excessive exposure to the sun for at least 3 months. It does not mean that you have to stay indoors but sun-baking is definitely out. Adequate sun and UV protection is the rule.
After fractional resurfacing, the skin usually heals completely within days. Typically the skin will be pink, like sunburn, for approximately three days; occasionally this can last for a longer period. However, you can wear camouflage make-up immediately after the treatment. Many people choose to have this procedure on a Friday and they are back at work on a Monday.
You will experience redness and some ‘dots and spots’ or slight roughness on your skin. Redness, streakiness or ‘dots’ in the skin usually resolve around three days however they can persist for longer in some people. Typically the skin surface feels slightly ‘rough’ for approximately a week as the smaller dots gradually heal over.
Swelling may occur but it is not usually significant unless combined with another procedure.
You will feel as if the treated area is hot or severely ‘sunburnt’. You may feel itching or stinging for a day or two after the procedure. This can be improved with the application of cold packs and also calming balms such as Synergie’s ‘Remedy Balm’.
If you use a prescription vitamin A product tretinoin, such as Stieva A or Retin A or Retrieve A, or acid based products, you should be able to start using them again after one week.
Prolonged Redness of the Skin
Redness of the skin after healing is normal and resembles mild sunburn. Usually this redness disappears after about three days but in some individuals with sensitive skin it may take longer up to approximately a week, occasionally longer. Sometimes small areas or patches of skin take longer to settle. In the meantime the redness can be hidden with a suitable foundation.
Increased Pigmentation (Hyperpigmentation)
This is more likely to occur in people with brown, olive or Asian skin. It may also occur if you expose your new skin excessively to the sun within three months of your procedure. Therefore, in order to minimise this risk it is recommended that for three months after your procedure you apply every morning an effective physical barrier sunscreen such as an SPF foundation or moisturiser. If pigmentation does appear, this should settle spontaneously over time. A depigmenting cream such as Hydroquinone can be prescribed to help it fade, but it is better to prevent it happening in the first place. In rare instances, hyperpigmentation, despite fading creams, can be longer lasting however this is unusual.
Decreased Pigmentation (Hypopigmentation)
This is a permanent lightening of the skin due to injury of the pigment-producing cells. This has to date never occurred with radiofrequency fractional resurfacing in our clinic, however should it occur, it will require the use of make-up to camouflage it or cosmetic tattooing.
Triggering of Cold Sores
As the herpes virus can remain dormant in the body for many years, even after a single attack in childhood, any form of resurfacing, be it chemical peeling, laser resurfacing or ‘Fractora’ Fractional Resurfacing Skin Rejuvenation could potentially reactivate a dormant virus and trigger an outbreak of ‘Cold Sores’. This is typified by increased redness and pain. The cold sore virus can spread across the face and potentially cause facial scarring. Accordingly, in order to prevent this complication, anti-viral tablets (Famvir 500mg – three tablets simultaneously which are now available over the counter at Pharmacies) are recommended to all patients having fractional resurfacing around the mouth. Please tell the practitioner if you have had cold sores on the lip previously and we will intentionally leave a margin around the lip to lower the risk of a cold sore outbreak.
This is uncommon however a possibility with any breach of the skin. If you notice any white pustular lesions on the skin or an increase in pain or discomfort, please contact the clinic immediately on 07 3003 4000.
This has never occurred in our clinic to date with the use of ‘Fractora’ however it is a very small but potential risk. Early scarring usually appears as a thickened red area. Early scarring can usually be treated by applying an anti-scarring silicon gel application plus injections of cortisone directly into the developing scar tissue, if concerned, please contact the clinic on 07 3003 4000..
Contrast with Adjacent Areas
If the adjacent areas are significantly sun-damaged they may contrast with the new skin in the treated areas. Accordingly, it is sometimes necessary to combine the fractional resurfacing with chemical peeling or laser of the adjacent areas to eliminate or reduce this contrast.
Demarcation Lines along the Edges of the Treated Area
These are very uncommon after ‘Fractora’ Fractional Resurfacing Skin Rejuvenation.
Fractional resurfacing is carried out in our clinic by a doctor, nurse or paramedical aesthetician or skin therapist.
It is performed after a numbing cream has been applied for approximately 30-45 minutes prior to the procedure. We also offer other forms of pain relief so talk to our staff upon arrival.
If you would like, pain killers such as paracetamol/Panadol (not Ibuprofen/Nurofen, as it increases the risk of bleeding) can be taken an hour or so prior to the procedure. Ultra cold air is also often blown onto the area with our Cryojet Machine to minimise discomfort as well. If requested, an anti-anxiety medication such as a short acting Valium can be taken as well prior to the procedure, however naturally one is not allowed to drive that day after taking a sedative.
At Cosmetic Image Clinics we pride ourselves on making your experience as comfortable as possible.
With regards to skin ageing, this will depend on the individual, their genetics and their lifestyle, such as exposure to the sun. Generally, if you avoid the sun and protect your skin by wearing SPF foundation (such as Isaada) or sunscreen daily and utilise an excellent skin care regime such as Synergie Skin™, the results from ‘Fractora’ Fractional Resurfacing Skin Rejuvenation should be long lasting, as the backbone of its results are due to renewal of your own collagen.
With acne scarring, the degree of correction is essentially permanent provided you do not get further acne outbreaks that lead to more scarring.
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